Member, International Society of Automation (ISA) Committee 99 Workgroups 13 and 14
Former Industrial Cybersecurity subject matter expert (SME) at the NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence

30 years working in various IT security and defense policy roles

Recently completed a 6 year assignment as industrial cybersecurity SME at the NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence and author of a Cyber risk study of the ICS Used in the NATO Central Europe Pipeline System.
22 years working for the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania in various IT security and defense policy roles

Chairman of a task force that prepared Lithuania‘s first Military Defence Strategy
Chairman of a task force that prepared the first National Defence System Cybersecurity Strategy
Member of the NATO STO SAS-163 Workgroup preparing a report on Energy Security in the Era of Hybrid Warfare
for NATO
Served two 5 year terms (appointed by the President of the Republic of Lithuania) as member of the National Communications Regulatory Authority Council
Served as member of task force that wrote the Lithunian Law on Cybersecurity
Served as member of EU's Enisa Industry 4.0 EICS Experts Group
Served as member of Research Advisory Group supporting the Global Commission on Stability of Cyberspace
Submitted at the request of NATO a Guide for Protecting IACS Against Cyber Incidents in the NATO Pipeline System
Submitted at the request of the French Armed Forces an Assessment study of cybersecurity of smart-grid technologies employed in operational camps.

Co-author of Hybrid warfare against critical energy infrastructure: Case of Ukraine.

Seeking to understand in collaboration with other professional colleagues the "big picture" of securing industrial control and safety systems that support modern economic activity, national security and well being of society. Important to answer 3 questions: what to protect? from what threats"? and how scarce resources can be applied to protect identified assets from identified threats?

InfraSEC Forum

19-20 lutego 2025r


Evention sp. z o.o
Rondo ONZ 1
Warszawa, Polska


Weronika Warpas
+48 570 611 811